New Member Orientation

This is a quick update on how we are now operating or handling anyone that you may refer to our program. We are  letting you invite your friends, neighbors, co-workers or anyone else to come try our program. We have made it easy;  just send folks to our Free Week page and they sign up […]

New Member Orientation

This is a quick update on how we are now operating or handling anyone that you may refer to our program. We are  letting you invite your friends, neighbors, co-workers or anyone else to come try our program. We have made it easy;  just send folks to our Free Week page and they sign up for a test drive. The only new thing we ask is that all new folks will need to come to a New Member Orientation first.

Having a Free Get You In Shape Trial week for new folks will hopefully allow you to take advantage of our Referral Program:
1 Referral = 25% off next month
2 Referrals = 50 % off next month
3 or more = Next month is Free

We are now requiring anyone looking to join our program or try our program out that they come to New Member Orientation before they attend to a boot camp session. Most of you came to our Orientation before starting our program. We have gotten off that a little bit over the past few months and just wanted to relay the message to you that ANYONE wishing to do a Trial week or join will need to come to a New Member Orientation.
Why are we requiring a New Member Orientation before they can come to boot camp?

1. You – Our clients (You) are dedicated individuals that feed off our program. You are the reason we love what we do; we love working for and helping you. You are committed to your health and fitness goals. You use the Get You In Shape healthy environment to keep yourself motivated and inspired. We want to make sure anyone looking at our program is also committed to their health and fitness goals and will be folks who will help motivate and inspire you also. We only want to work with people with positive spirits and that will add value to our program (like you).

2. Preparation for our program. We understand  coming to one session can be intimidating and it does not do our program justice. We want them to know understand  the complete program,  what they will be getting (total program not just another class), go over their goals and how we can help them achieve those goals, and ensure they know what to expect. Going over fitness levels will help us prepare correctly to best serve them. When they know what to expect, it reduces the intimidation factors, such as not knowing people, new equipment and difficulty of the workout. We want them to be prepared with the correct tools and we want to keep them safe from injury.

3. Understand their Commitment Level  – It will help to bring people to our program who are committed enough to come hear how our program will help them reach their health and fitness goals. By having them come to a New Member Orientation, it ensures us they are committed enough to their goal that we can help them.

The other change we are implementing in order to only bring on folks that are looking for a fitness program that is proven like ours is raising our Month to Month price. We almost took it away and were going to only allow folks to choose from the 3, 6, and 12 month commitment. We did keep it but just raised the price to discourage folks from just joining our program for a month.

Looking at what it takes for most people to start a health and fitness journey, we know (and you do also since you are on some sort of commitment with us) it takes longer then 4 short weeks to change habits. So this again will allow people to make a choice and also let them know that we do not recommend anyone coming to our program for just a month. We simply know that a month will not be long enough in order to make the lifestyle changes necessary to achieve their short term goals, let alone changes that will help them for a lifetime.


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