Ultimate Sugar Challenge


  • Daily Lesson – You’ll get daily Tips, Education and Motivation to help you reduce, avoid or eliminate Sugar during Lent. 
  • Professional Coaching –  Access to daily coaching and daily accountability from a coach with 23+ years. 
  • Support – You’ll get access to our membership page with other like-minded folks who will give you extra support and motivation. 
  • Tools – Access To The Ultimate Sugar Challenge Guidebook along with recipes and more.
  • COST? FREE!  Yes…. We love offering this FREE program for anyone looking to get rid of sugar. We’ve helped over 5,000 since 2006 and would love to help you!

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Who is Ultimate  Sugar Challenge For? 

  • Anyone looking lose weight, trim body fat, and get healthy during Lent
  • Anyone looking for a program to help them with a professional coach to help with accountability. 
  • Anyone looking for weight loss results that have already been proven
  • Anyone looking for a change in lifestyle and need a plan to follow. 
  • Anyone looking to change their unhealthy habit into healthy one over a 40 Day period.

When Does It Start and End? 

  • The first lesson is Monday Feb 12th but Day #1 is Ash Wednesday which is February 14th. 
  • It will go for 40 Days through Easter. 

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