Thanks to all who came to 12 or more sessions and SHOWED UP!
WINNERS FROM PRIZE POOL – There is a box in the trailer with the listing of all the prize winners, so get with a trainer to claim your prize.
Grand Prize; $50 in Product ** Rory Brannum
Meal Replacement Shake $45* Rachel Sosinski
Spark $25* Rupali Sagare
J. Macklins $20 Gift Card Kathy Eells
Cryo Coppell FREE Session ($17) Rhonda Shaw
Cryo Coppell FREE Session ($17) Jay Macfarland
Run On/Jack Rabbit $15 Gift Card Julie Madden
Run On/Jack Rabbit $15 Gift Card Steve Johnson
J. Macklins $10 Gift Card Eileen Flaig
J. Macklins $10 Gift Card Maggue Lucas
J. Macklins $10 Gift Card Marsha Tunnell
Salata $10 Gift Card Penny McClain
Salata $10 Gift Card Dan Robicheaux
Salata $10 Gift Card Aditya Pusapati
Smoothie Factory 20oz Smoothie Tim Rau
Smoothie Factory 20oz Smoothie Kathy Hine
**Meet with Brad to choose products
*Contact Brad with the flavor of your choice
For all the details and rules for the Attendance Throw Down, please go to our BLOG POST >>>>> HERE.