Metabolic Reboot Tools Page

Download the Metabolic Reboot Guidebook Below

Please look through this tools page and reach out if you have any questions


  1. Goals and So That.– Print and complete goals and Goals Sheet Here. Take a picture of page #6 and email Brad or message via MyCoach your One Page Goals and So That sheet (page #6) 
  2. Starting Measurements, Weight and Pictures. These are pages 8 and 9 in the Metabolic Reboot Challenge Guidebook.
  3. Watch the “3 Meals Video – This is session #2 Video titled “3 meals + Meditate” clicking here
    Feel free to watch the other videos in that series but that is the main one you need to watch (and
    possibly more than once)
  4. Get an Accountability Partner – We certainly will be helping you but we are suggesting you get a partner to team up with to communicate daily with.
  5. Print the Daily Instructions – Click Here and print out two copies of the daily instruction sheet. 
  6. Ask to join our two Facebook Groups. The National one here has more posts about the
    products, daily motivation and post from leaders from across the nation to help support us. Our personal private group here is where just the folks on the Metabolic Reboot will be with daily posts to help everyone stay on track, stay motivated and get the support needed.
    NOTE: You do not need to be on facebook to do the Metabolic Reboot but this is just one more tool that is very helpful to many.
  7. Read Metabolic Reboot Tips and ask questions In the Guidebook or below.
  8. Have friends that would be interested in joining? We’ve made this program so that anyone can do it and it is beneficial to you to get others doing it with you both with extra accountability and even get paid. Know we will be doing a number of these Metabolic Reboot Challenges in the future so just reach out to me if that is you.

8 Tips To Reboot Your Metabolism

1. Your Goals and So That's

Print and complete goals and Goals Sheet Here. Take a picture of page #6 and email Brad or message via MyCoach your One Page Goals and So That sheet (page #6)

Get Your starting Measurements and Weight

You can use the Measurements and Weight page in the Guidebook on page 7 or you can use the progress form below. 

Watch The Video On The Metabolic Lifestyle Kit 

Watch The Daily Directions Video

 Click Here and print out two copies of the daily instruction sheet. 

JOIN THE Facebook Groups

FB Group #1 – National Metabolic Revolution Support Group. CLICK HERE and ask to join. 

FB Group #2 – Brad Linder’s Support Group. CLICK HERE and ask to join. 


Product and Fact Sheets

8 Tips To Reboot Your Metabolism

#1 MINDSET – Goals and Whys’ (or So That’s). Download the Goals and So That’s Exercise below. 

Message or email brad @ get You In page 4 . 
Write your top 3 So That’s on sticky notes (or make copies) and put them everywhere. 

Your So That’s will HELP you make the CHOICES to just “Follow The Darn Instructions”  

Your CHOICES will lead to
Your HABITS which will lead to

Tip #2 - Sleep and Fasting. The 3-2-1 Rule

3- Hours Before Bed – No more food. When we eat food, it requires energy from the body to digest the food and causes the body to work, which increases cortisol. This causes a decrease in melatonin which causes a delay in your ability to go to sleep and also impacts the quality of your sleep. This tip will not only help you with your health and fitness, but will also help with your sleep.

– 2 Hours Before Bed. Nothing that would stimulate your brain. This would be more like doing any work related stuff or anything that may cause stress or stimulates your brain.

1 hour before bed – Eliminate all Blue Light. Electronics should be turned off within one hour of going to bed. This includes TV, computers, cell phones, and tablets. This might be difficult right away, but in the end, it will make a big difference. I mentioned this before, but it is so important that I have to reiterate it again. Our bodies are used to winding down when the sun goes down at night.

–Using the 3-2-1 Rule and NOT EATING ANYTHING 3 Hours Before Going to sleep, we can then back track each day.

EXAMPLE – If you go to sleep 10:00pm
–7:00pm Last Meal
–3:30pm snack
–12:30pm Lunch
–9am-10am Breakfast

That’s what some people would call intermittent fasting.

Tip #3 What, When and How To Eat

Eat Small Meals/Snacks Every 3 Hours or so
This helps with cravings, portion control, giving you energy throughout the day and raising your metabolism.

–If you have body fat to lose, then watch the Session #2 video here the from the registered dietitian which is the 3 meals Video as she recommends 40% protein, 40% fats and 20% carbs . This is in conjunction to the Metabolic Lifestyle Kit if you have weight and body fat to lose. Then move back to more of a balanced nutrition once you have achieved your goal.

–For overall long-term nutrition, meals snacks should be well-balanced with 40% being from carbs, 30% from proteins and 30% from healthy fats.


Do Eat CLEAN PROTEINS – Feed muscle and reduce appetite. SHOULD BE W/EVERY MEAL/SNACK

Do Eat VEGGIES – Salads during the day and steamed at night

DO EAT FRUIT – Fibrous and low glycemic choices (berries, plums, oranges, grapefruit)

DO EAT HEALTHY FATS – (i.e. avocado, nuts/seeds, olives/olive oil)

DO EAT CLEAN CARBS – (brown rice, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, etc)








NO WHEAT PRODUCTS (at least first 10 days)


Want To just Follow a Meal Plan with Grocery Lists and Recipes for 28 Days? Choose from one of our 2 Meal plans below designed by a Dietitian for Fat loss. 


Protein with every meal including snacks (important)

–Protein is the building blocks of our body (muscle, skin, hair, etc.)     

–Most sources are good except fatty meats

–See Tools And Meal Guide For Protein Options.

–If you are looking to lose body fat and weight shoot for 40% of your daily calories from protein. YES. That’s Right.
Watch the Session #2 video here the from the registered dietitian which is the “3 Meals + Meditation” Video as she recommends 40% protein and WHY. 

Animal Sources

Beef, Buffalo, Chicken, Crab,
Eggs (whole), Fish, Lamb, Milk (whole), Pork, Poultry, Salmon, Scallops, Shrimp, Turkey, Venison, Wild Game, Protein drinks without sugar

Vegetable Sources

Edamame, Pea Protein,
Garbanzos/Chick Peas, Tempeh (grain-free), Quinoa, Lentils, Spirulina, Tofu, Mycoprotein, Vegan Protein drinks without sugar

Tip #5 - Drink Enough Water

Water does play a big role in overall health but especially with getting results.

½ Your Body weight in ounces each day is the goal. 200 pounds you need to drink 100 ounces.

–Should shoot to have 80% of that by 3pm. 

Daily Habits
Have a glass ready as soon as you get up

–Drink a glass before you eat and after you eat every meal/snack

–Get a nice water bottle to take around with you everywhere you go.

–Set reminders on your phone

– Get a water bottle that has the hours on them

Tip #6 - Use a Journal To Double Your Results

If I told you that it’s been proven that you if you do this ONE THING the studies say that you will double your results… would you do it? 

It’s journalling! Why JOURNAL? 

It’s been proven to DOUBLE your RESULTS.

Allows you to monitor how many calories you are consuming. Helps you control the urge to overeat.

Encourages you to make better food choices.

Helps you realize how much you really eat! 

Shows how committed you are in getting the results.

Allows you to track your progress.

You can get help from an accountability partner  

Allows you to make a connection between the foods you eat and how you feel.

Helps you make sure you are eating a well-balanced diet (proteins, carbs and fat).

Encourages you to use your brain.

CLICK HERE for our blog post on how set it up and tips. 

Tip #7 - MOVE MORE - Fitness

Resistance/Strength Training – Builds lean muscle mass which increases your metabolism and CARDIO to help burn fat.

Resistance/Strength Training – After a Strength Training session, your metabolism stayed elevated through a process called Postexercise oxygen consumption (EPOC)

–This lasts 12 hours to a few days

–LAYMAM’S TERM your Body Burns Calories beyond just the workout by adding resistance/strength training.

Morning on and empty Stomach. – Some studies show you may burn up to 20% more fat when exercising on an empty stomach.

Add cardio for fat loss

What To Do For Fitness? 

  • More is Better. So increase what you are doing. 
  • M-W-F Resistance/Strength  Training
  • Tuesday’s and Thursday’s  – Core and Cardio. Adding cardio helps with fat loss.
  • Saturday’s – Mobility, Stretching and Recovery – Mobility Session + Cardio or make up a missed workout for the week.

    Need some fitness workouts? Click here or on the picture below for some great workouts that we made for when you are crunched for time. 

Tip #8 - Add Supplements to Help

Goal here is to add safe and effective products that will: 

HELP with the overall process of changing your daily lifestyle habits.

HELP with energy so that you FEEL like moving, exercising and being productive throughout the day.

HELP with filling in the nutritional gaps so that your body is able to run at it’s optimal levels.

HELP with APPETITE CONTROL so that you make smarter food choices and eat smaller portions.

KEY WORD…HELP! High Quality Supplements just supplement your healthy eating and regular exercise routine. We feel, though, adding this is a KEY to the program which is why it is a part of our program.  

Want the Cliff NOTES to the 8 Tips for a Metabolic Reboot? Download below.