March Health and Fitness Goals

In an attempt to continue help motivate and keep you accountable, we are sharing our goals for the month and for the year. So just click on the blog title and scroll down. If you had a goal in January when we did this,  Click Here to see what it was ans see if you […]

March Health and Fitness Goals

In an attempt to continue help motivate and keep you accountable, we are sharing our goals for the month and for the year.
So just click on the blog title and scroll down. If you had a goal in January when we did this,  Click Here to see what it was ans see if you have achieved it.
What to write for a Goal for March? The idea is to have a short goal and a motivation behind that goal. A few examples:
1. Improve you mile time. In order to achieve that you will need to do what?
2. Lose 6 Pounds in March. Motivation would be so that you will be well on your way to reaching your 15 Pound goal in 3 months so you can look great at the beach in the summer.
Every month we will come back and go over our previous goal, how you did, and what your next month’s goal is.
Your email and name will not show in the post. So you can put your name after your goal and whatever else you want to put.

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7 Responses

  1. 1. Loose 8 lbs.
    2. Food Journal
    3. Be able to do full pushups (not on knees)
    4. To hold the pillar bridge for full 90 sec.

  2. Sorry for the delay Jackie. I did a web search with “NEAT caloric burn” and got plenty of hits. It stands for “Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis”. Basically big words for what you are doing the 23 hours you are not exercising. So when I talk about adding more NEAT, I mean, eating lunch while working and taking a walk during lunch. Just upping my activity without getting into an exercise mode. I track pretty religiously my caloric activity and 2 twenty minute walks equates to an extra 250-300 calories which can make a big difference when you are trying to lose lbs.

  3. 1) Move from always doing tricep pushups (which is what I’ve always done) to getting better at pectoral pushups (which I’m going to be so weak on!).
    2) Food journaling. It’s been enlightening. Want to keep that up.
    3) Improve mile time. 9:45 seems doable; 9:30 would make me prideful, hahaha.
    4) Don’t skip boot camp even if I’m tired or busy.

    Charles, what’s a NEAT activity?
    Brad, how do we get back to last month’s goals to see how we did?

  4. March
    1) Work on strengthening my knee after surgery
    2) Maintain my weight by reducing my intake – no calorie burning going on
    3) Begin exercising via swim, ellipital and cycling this month.
    4) Rejoin bootcamp for April.

  5. March
    1) Lose six to eight pounds (1.5-2 pounds/wk)
    a) Food journal
    b) online accountability participation
    c) 5-6 workouts per week with extra NEAT activity thrown in daily
    d) Concentrate on weekend refeed not becoming a slide
    Since I have been cutting so much, not a whole lot left in the tank for extra strength work or gains, so maintaining strength for now.

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