Coppell Personal Trainer 30 Day Gratitude Challenge

Join us the month of NOvember as we have a month sharing what we are grateful for

Research has shown time and time again that practicing gratitude can have a profound impact on our lives. Let me highlight some of the incredible benefits:

    1. Enhanced Mental Health: Gratitude can have a profound impact on your mental well-being. By focusing on the positive aspects of your life, you reduce negative thinking patterns. This shift in perspective can lower symptoms of anxiety and depression, leaving you with a more optimistic outlook on life.
    2. Reduced Stress: When you’re grateful, you’re less likely to be preoccupied with worries about the future or regrets about the past. Gratitude helps anchor your mind in the present moment, reducing stress and promoting a sense of calm and tranquility.
    3. Improved Self-Esteem: Recognizing the things you’re grateful for can boost your self-esteem. When you appreciate your own accomplishments and the support you receive from others, it fosters a healthy self-image.
    4. Better Physical Health: Grateful individuals often adopt healthier habits, such as regular exercise and a balanced diet. This is because gratitude can motivate you to take better care of your body and make choices that promote good health.
    5. Enhanced Sleep: The peace of mind that comes from practicing gratitude can contribute to better sleep quality. When your mind is at ease and free from anxiety, you’re more likely to fall asleep faster and enjoy a restful night’s sleep.
    6. Stronger Relationships: Gratitude is a powerful social glue. Expressing gratitude to those around you, whether through kind words or actions, strengthens your connections. It fosters empathy and reciprocity, making your relationships more rewarding and harmonious.
    7. Increased Resilience: Grateful individuals tend to be more resilient in the face of challenges. When you regularly acknowledge the positive aspects of your life, you build emotional strength and a greater ability to overcome adversity.
    8. Greater Emotional Intelligence: Gratitude can improve your emotional intelligence, helping you recognize and manage your own emotions while also being more empathetic towards others. This heightened emotional awareness can lead to more effective communication and problem-solving in both personal and professional relationships.
    9. Long-Term Happiness: Gratitude is not just a short-term mood booster; it’s linked to long-term happiness. By consistently appreciating what you have, you create a more sustainable and fulfilling sense of contentment in your life.
    10. Positive Outlook: Gratitude shifts your perspective from what you lack to what you possess. This positive outlook can help you approach life’s challenges with a solutions-oriented mindset, making it easier to find opportunities and solutions, even in difficult situations.

November is a time when we look back, look ahead and give thanks for all that we have which makes this a perfect time to do a Gratitude Challenge.

The power of gratitude lies in its consistent practice. This challenge is a wonderful opportunity to start or strengthen your gratitude practice and unlock the doors to a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life. 

So, how can you take part in our November 30 Day Gratitude Challenge?

Here are the Challenge Details: 

  1. Knowing the power behind being grateful, this is just a structured Challenge to help get you in the daily habit of being grateful. It’s not necessarily a Challenge but rather a way to inspire and motivate each of us to practice being grateful daily. 

  2. Accountability helps with motivation so let me know you are participating. You can let me know by clicking here and commenting on my facebook post, you can also message me and let me know you are participating. 

  3. Starting on November 1st, you’ll share one thing you are grateful each day with a post on your personal facebook page. Use the hashtag #GYISGratitude (make sure the post is set for “public” so we can search the #gyisGratitude and see it). You can use the 30 Day Gratitude Challenge image that is below on this page to help give you some ideas. In case you are wondering, GYIS stands for Get You In Shape . 
    NOTE: if you are NOT on facebook you can certainly participate. You can journal yourself daily, you can also share it with me in the MyCoach App. The idea, though, is to have others being motivated and inspired by each others posts and facebook is the easiest platform to do this. 

  4. This daily activity for each day in November is designed to help you foster a habit of gratitude in your daily life.  In case you are wondering, GYIS stands for Get You In Shape.

  5. You Don’t have to be 100%. The idea is the start practicing having an attitude of gratitude. You can join at any time (you don’t have to start November 1st. If you miss a day, don’t beat yourself up but just start over. 

  6. Prizes and rewards – The most important reward you will get is with all the benefits that come from practicing gratitude (boost in mental health, enhanced physical health, strengthened relationships, better sleep and more). This will help with self-care and to help us be more present in our everyday lives. 

    At the end of the challenge, however, we will have a special giveaway for 2 lucky participants who actively engages during the 30 Days. We will be searching the hashtag #GYISGratitude to find the post (this is why it’s important to make sure your posts for the Gratitude Challenge are set to public) to find all the posts.  
    Your journey is not only about personal growth but also about connecting with others on a similar path.

Invite a Friend or two to join you. Send them to

Download The 30 Day Gratitude Challenge PDF below

Download The 30 Day Gratitude Challenge Jpeg Image below

Our unique “5-Step Success System” gives you maximum results in minimum time!

Step #1: Define Your Goals

There’s no way to reach a destination if you don’t know where you want to go. Defining your goals gives you the destination. Then we plot the fastest way to get you there.

Step #2: Assess Your Current Fitness Level

We establish baseline data so we know your starting point and can accurately measure results. This way you know and we know exactly where you are in relation to your destination (your goal) and make any necessary adjustments as you progress (this is a critical step that most others leave out).

Step #3: Design Your Personalized “Maximum Results In Minimum Time” Program

Personalized program design is a science. And no two people are exactly the same. This is where our expertise is invaluable. No generic, one-size-fits-all program you get from a book, video or off the internet can compare. There are simply too many variables. Plus, there are six essential components to maximum results in minimum time, and we give you each one. Without ALL SIX components in place working synergistically, you will NOT get results. Most programs out there only tackle 2 or 3, which is a HUGE reason why you may have failed in the past. But the truth is, getting ALL SIX components incorporated into your life is difficult at best, and in all of my experience (even with getting myself in shape), it requires outside assistance. And that’s where we come in.

Step #4: Coaching, Training and Accountability

You get expert coaching, personal training and accountability from our degreed and certified personal trainers, all of whom have an unmatched track record of success helping Dallas area folks just like you. But as important as our expertise is, just knowing you can’t “blow off your workout today” is half the battle. That’s why external accountability to your coach makes such a huge difference.

Step #5: Re-assessment Every Few Weeks

This is how we “dial-in” your personalized program, optimizing it as we move forward. This is such a big piece of the puzzle (truly a fitness ‘secret’ that so few are aware of), and something that simply cannot be done without a trained eye and years of experience. This is the only way to achieve maximum results in minimum time. But getting the body you want won’t be a ‘walk in the park.’ Nothing of lasting value is ever that easy. And you know that. If you’ve been seduced by the ‘amazing claims’ made by weight loss companies or fitness gadget promoters…if you’ve tried and struggled before…then you know what I’m talking about. The most important point I want to make right here and now is this: you can have the body and life you most want…but it takes commitment and consistent effort for 12 weeks (after that, things do actually get much easier). For the vast majority of people (over 85%), a 12-week commitment to 3-5 effective workouts a week and supportive, healthy eating is almost impossible without external support, coaching and accountability. That’s why there’s an explosion of obesity, diabetes and heart disease in this country. And the victims of these diseases are getting younger all the time (childhood obesity is practically epidemic). And that’s exactly why so many of your Dallas area neighbors come to us…they know they can’t (or won’t) do it alone. So it all comes down to this question…

Are You Ready? The First Step Is To Book A Free Intro Session

“Are You Worth It?”

That’s the bottom line. Are you willing to invest in your own quality of life? Are you worth it?

Think of it this way…if your child was overweight and out of shape, if his confidence and self-esteem were being negatively impacted, you would do almost anything to help him, right? Same goes for your spouse. But what about YOU? Are you willing to invest in you? In your quality of life, your confidence, your self-esteem, your health…your best body?

With Get You In Shape’s Programs, you will…

Get You In Shape can help you get there with many programs that will fit your needs and budget.

Get You In Shape can help you get there with many programs that will fit your needs and budget.
Personal Trainer, Online Fitness Coaching and the Get You In Shape Coppell Fitness Program

  • Do you have a gym membership but never actually seem to get there?
  • Do you need a simple plan to lose weightget in shapetone up, and be more productive
  • Have you tried working out with a personal trainer in the past at a gym with no results
  • Would you like a new fitness and exercise program that is customized just for you
  • Do you need motivation and encouragement to start a fitness and exercise plan?
  • Would you like a private personal fitness trainer to come to your house, community center, apartment fitness gym, or your office?
  • Are you in good shape, but just need some help to push you to the next level?
    Get You In Shape
     offers an In-Home Personal Trainer throughout the Coppell area. Getting in shape with a professional fitness trainer that comes to you house has never been easier.


Want more information about Get You In Shape’s in home personal trainer and private personal trainer? Just fill out the information below and we will give you a free consultation.

Programs include sports specific training, the 24 Day Challenge, weight loss programswellness plansnutrition plans, core fitness training, strength training, toning and more. Clients include athletes (golf, basketball, tennis, football, track, baseball, baseball, volleyball, and softball) corporate executives, professionals, weekend warriors, cheerleaders, dancers, models, stay at home moms, and anyone looking for results.

Not in Coppell, TXGet You In Shape’s Private Personal Trainers serve all over the Dallas area

Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these, because I am going to the Father. And whatever you ask in my name, I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything of me in my name, I will do it. John 14:11-14

Fitness Boot Camps and Personal Training Serving: Dallas, Lakewood, University Park, Uptown, Lake Highlands, White Rock, Coppell, Farmers Branch, Grapevine, Dallas, Irving, Valley Ranch, Addison, Lewisville, Flower Mound, Carrollton, Las Colinas, McKinney, Southlake, Colleyville, Corinth, Highland Village, Plano, Highland Park and More Dallas Area Cities! | 214-603-8287


Are You Ready? The First Step Is A FREE Discovery Call.