Coppell Trainer Spotlight Rookie of the Month – July 2015 – Rachel Kaiser

Rachel Kaiser lives in Coppell and is the CEO and Operating Manager at Casa de Kaiser! Q: Why did you decide to join the Get You In Shape program? To supplement my long distance trail running and build lean muscle. I got burned out lifting weights in the gym and needed a change, something with […]

Coppell Trainer Spotlight Rookie of the Month – July 2015 – Rachel Kaiser

Rachel Kaiser lives in Coppell and is the CEO and Operating Manager at Casa de Kaiser!

Q: Why did you decide to jRachel Kaiser before& afteroin the Get You In Shape program?
To supplement my long distance trail running and build lean muscle. I got burned out lifting weights in the gym and needed a change, something with more variety and fun. And I get to hang out with my gal pal, Karen McMahon, even more now!

Q: What was your life like before joining the Get You In Shape Program?
My life was pretty much the same as it is now; however, now I don’t have to lift weights in a boring gym anymore!

Q: What was your first impression from the Get You In Shape program?
That it was fun and the workouts were challenging! Plus I really enjoy the variety of workouts, the people are friendly and the trainers are great. It makes working out a lot more enjoyable!

Q: What have been some of the tools you have used that have benefited you?
The biggest benefit to me has been the MyFitnessPal app. As a long distance runner, I need to take in quite a bit of calories and make sure I’m getting the proper amount of fat to carbs to protein ratio. This has been an easy way for me to monitor those percentages and see where I need to change up my diet.

Q: How is the Get You In Shape program different from other programs you have tried before?
I’ve never really tried any programs before so this is new for me. I’ve always been an avid exercise enthusiast so I just try to change up my routine to supplement my running. I do like the boot camp aspect in that I work out with a group who hold me accountable to be there, someone is always there motivating me to push myself, having a trainer takes the guess work out of making my own workout and the workouts vary every time I show up so the monotony is eliminated.

Q: What results and benefits have you experienced in the Get You In Shape Program?
My main goal with the GYIS program was to build lean muscle and gain strength to help me with my running goals. I have definitely accomplished that in my 2 short months with GYIS. I find that climbing the hilly and technical trails has been easier, and I have also lost a few inches around my hips, thighs and arms.

Q: What would you say to anyone looking at this program?
Check it out! Not only are the physical benefits noticeable, but also you will find that working out is enjoyable and even fun. Every workout is different and challenging and the results are great!

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