Coppell Personal Trainer Client Spotlight Shanna Sheffield Shanna Sheffield, my husband and I own Tone Shop Guitars, and we live here in Coppell. What was your life like before Get You In Shape? I was the principal secretary at Lee Elementary here in Coppell. I sat at my desk all day and didn’t get much exercise. Why did you decide to […]

Coppell Personal Trainer Client Spotlight Shanna Sheffield

Shanna Sheffield, my husband and I own Tone Shop Guitars, and we live here in Coppell.

What was your life like before Get You In Shape?

I was the principal secretary at Lee Elementary here in Coppell. I sat at my desk all day and didn’t get much exercise.

Why did you decide to join the Get You In Shape program?

My then office aide and good friend Vanessa Tan and another good friend Caroline Gross worked out faithfully at GYIS. They both asked me to join them at a workout and I really enjoyed it!

What was your first impression of Get You In Shape?

The trainers are fantastic, they make it fun and give you different levels of each exercise. I also love working out in the fresh air at the park.

What have been some of the tools you have used that have benefited you?

I go to the in-person workouts 3 days a week and have done several virtual workouts on Tuesdays and Thursdays or when I’m traveling. I enjoy the Saturday workouts as well and have taken part in the FAT method and I am currently doing the 200 Mile Challenge.

How is Get You In Shape different from other programs you have tried before?

The other clients and the trainers make this program special. Everyone is so encouraging and supportive. We all have our own “So that’s… that keep us going. But when everyone knows your name and takes an interest in if you are there or not, it keeps you coming back.

What results and benefits have you experienced with Get You In Shape?

I am in better shape, I’m sleeping better, and have more energy thanI have had in years. Before I started GYIS my back hurt all the time and would wake me up at night. Now my abs and back muscles are stronger, and I have little to no back pain. My stamina has improved greatly too. I can even run a mile which I hadn’t done since middle school.

What would you say to anyone looking at this program?

GYIS is like an outdoors boot camp. The trainers do a great job of mixing up the exercises, so you don’t get board with it, and you get a total body workout every time.

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