16th Annual 5k for Coppell Special Olympics

Hosted by Get You In Shape

16th Annual 5k Benefitting Coppell Special Olympics Hosted by Get You In Shape

Get You In Shape is pleased to host the 16th Annual 5K for Coppell Special Olympics On Saturday, June 7th. 

If you can’t make it that day, you can make a donation or sign up for the virtual 5K Race and it can be run on any day of your choosing.

For the past 15 years, the Coppell 5K has raised over $132,000 in support of our local Coppell Special Olympic Athletes. Our goal for the 16th Annual Coppell 5K is to continue to rally around these athletes with special needs and provide the financial support that this great organization needs. Coppell Special Olympics receives 90% of their funding from this one event.  This financial support enables the athletes to receive letter jackets at their annual Special Olympics Banquet and provides banners and signage for traveling competitions.  Annual needs also include uniforms, transportation, equipment and event fees.  

The Coppell Special Olympic Teams is an organization dedicated to individuals with special needs. They offer opportunities for better health, fitness and confidence in a variety of programs.  The mission of Special Olympics Texas is to provide year round sports training and competition in a variety of Olympic type sports. To learn more about your local Coppell Special Olympic Teams and the sports they participate in, please visit www.coppellso.org

Basics Details

What:  5k benefitting Coppell Special Olympics  Hosted by Get You In Shape 

When:  June 7th (for in-person 5k and fun run)  or any day you choose to run (if you sign up for the virtual option)

Time: 2 Options:

1. 8:00am Start time for the 5K (1 mile walk/fun run will start immediately after)

2. Anytime. The idea of this event is that it’s a fundraiser for Coppell Special Olympics Teams.  So you can do a virtual 5K

Where: The June 1st event will be at Andrew Brown East Park 260 Parkway Blvd, Coppell, TX 75019

If you are doing the Virtual 5K, you will choose your own 5K route and do it anytime you choose.

5K – Timed 5K, Untimed 5K 

Virtual (does not include shirt)

1 MileFun Run – General

Fun Run Child Age 5 and Under – No Shirt


  • Early Registration $30
  • Regular Registration $35
  • Late Registration $40 (shirt not guaranteed)
  • Fun Run – Race Shirt Included – $20 or $25
  • Fun Run – Child Age 5 and Under – FREE
  • Virtual 5K – No Race Shirt – $25 or $30


  • Early Registration – February 1st to May 2nd  (shirt included)
  • Regular Registration – May 3rd to May 23rd (shirt included)
  • Online Late Registration will continue through June 6 (not guaranteed a shirt)

Race T-shirts: Registrations through May 23rd will receive a 2025 Coppell 5K t-shirt.

Registrations after May 23rd and Walk-Up registrations on Race Day are not guaranteed a t-shirt.  

T-shirts are not included for the Virtual Option.

Children age 5 and under are free to participate in the Fun Run. Online registration is required, but an event t-shirt is not included.

Additional event t-shirts may be purchased for $20 each after the start of the race.

Packet Pickup:
Friday June 6 11:00am – 1:30pm or 4:30pm – 7:00pm at Fleet Feet Coppell (Google Map here)

On Race Day (June 7th)  7:00am – 7:45am at Andrew Brown East Park (race location). 

Race Route
 Click Here Race Route
1 Mile Fun Run: 
Click Here

Race Day Events:
7:00am-7:45am  Race Day On-Site Registration – forms of payments credit card, cash or check.

8:00am 5K Run Starts
8:05am Fun Run/Walk Start
9:15am 5K Awards Announced

Parking: Parking at Andy Brown Park East, West and Central.

5K Medals & Awards: Overall Male & Female

Top Three Male & Female Finishers in the following age categories:
Ages 8 and under
Ages 9-10
Ages 11-12
Ages 13-14
Ages 15-16
Ages 17-18
Ages 19-24
Ages 25-29
Ages 30-34
Ages 35-39
Ages 40-44
Ages 45-49
Ages 50-54
Ages 55-59
Ages 60-64
Ages 65-69
Ages 70 and over


Support Our Coppell Special Olympic Teams

What's The Mission?

The mission of Special Olympics Texas is to provide year round sports training and competition in a variety of Olympic type sports.

For the past 15 years, the Get You In Shape Coppell 5K has been supporting our local Coppell Special Olympics Athletes. Get You In Shape, a Coppell based fitness company,  has donated over $132,000 to support their various sports such as bowling, soccer, aquatics, track and field, basketball, cheerleading, volleyball and bocce ball. Each of these events requires rental fees, uniforms, supplies and travel expenses that reoccur annually. The support and sponsorship for the local community has been outstanding. Our goal for the 16th Annual Get You In Shape Coppell 5K is to continue to rally around these athletes with special needs and provide the financial support that this great organization needs. Coppell Special Olympics receives 90% of their annual funding from this one event.

Why the Coppell 5k Started in 2010

Brad and Cynthia Linder own Get You In Shape, a Coppell health and fitness company. Cynthia Linder, was a Special Education teach for Coppell Middle School East in 2010. She also was the Coppell Special Olympics Basketball coach. When learning that funds were needed for basic stuff like basketballs and uniforms, Brad and Cynthia decided to host a 5k to help raise funds for the student-athletes. Brad and Cynthia both have taught Special Education. What was a quick thought to help allow the Coppell Special Olympics has become an incredible community event since 2010. For the past 13 years, the Get You In Shape Coppell 5K has been supporting our local Coppell Special Olympics Athletes. Get You In Shape, a Coppell based fitness company,  has donated over $132,000 to support their various sports such as bowling, soccer, aquatics, track and field, basketball, cheerleading, volleyball and bocce ball. Each of these events requires rental fees, uniforms, supplies and travel expenses that reoccur annually. The support and sponsorship for the local community has been outstanding. Our goal for the 16th Annual Get You In Shape Coppell 5K is to continue to rally around these athletes with special needs and provide the financial support that this great organization needs. Coppell Special Olympics receives 90% of their funding from this one event.

Pictures from Previous Years