40 Day Challenge Homework Page

This is the Homework Page from the www.40DayChallenge.com Book. Please use the book as referrance as you go through the list below.

40 Day Challenge png black

How to take measurements and tools

Fitness Test

Complete this before starting or on Day #1 

Want The Get You In Shape's 7-Day Kick Start

Get You In Shape's 7-Day Kick Start

The approach is simple, give people what they need to look better, feel better and perform better in a 7-Day Challenge.

It’s time to become the best version of yourself! It’s time to take control of the way you look and feel. You DESERVE it! Sign Up Below for this FREE 7-Day Kick Start. 


Get You In Shape's FREE 7-Day Kick Start

There is SO MUCH health information out there – and half of it contradicts the other half. It’s all so overwhelming that it’s easier just to stick to your current routine, even if you are exhausted and low-energy. Even if you know you *should* be going to the gym, eating less takeout and getting more sleep … knowing what changes to make that will actually make a difference just feels too hard.

So for seven days, we’re going to walk through the best seven health changes you can make … together with an online community of other like-minded professionals who have the same goals as you.

Each day will include a super-short lesson and a mini-challenge. The challenges stack through the week so that the end of the week, you’re feeling brighter, higher-energy, and excited to keep going!


They say that a goal without a plan is just a wish, and that’s 100% true when it comes to creating healthier habits. On day 1, we’ll dive into the benefits of planning meals ahead of time and provide tons of resources to help you plan for success.


Is it true that some people are more motivated than others? Nope. But we’re all motivated by different things. Uncovering your deepest "why" for getting healthier and losing weight will help you stay motivated when all you want is a donut from the break room.

No Added Sugar

You probably limit your kids’ access to sugar and treats - but do you limit your own? On day 5 we’ll dive into the recommended daily allowance of added sugar, plus give you some quick tips on where sugar might be hiding in your diet.


When you’re making healthy changes, it’s easy to focus on how far you have to go, rather than how far you’ve come. On day 7, we’ll talk about the importance of celebrating small wins and where to go from here.


How easy is it to go on auto-pilot at the grocery store, grabbing your favorite cookies and bags of Doritos for your kids (that you secretly eat at night while watching Netflix)? On day 2, we’ll shop for success, and prep healthy food for the week.


Okay, it’s no surprise to you that part of a healthier lifestyle is exercise. But let’s be real: it can be hard to fit in exercise and it can feel overwhelming if you don’t know what to do. We’ll give you some workout ideas that are super easy to fit into your busy lifestyle.


Your body oxidizes the most fat during sleep, so if weight loss is important to you, make sleep a priority! On day 6 we’ll remind you of the myriad benefits of sleep and provide some tips on getting more rest.

SIGN UP FOR OUR 7-Kick Start Below

Grab Your 7-Day Kick Start Start Your Journey To Be The Best Version Of Yourself Now!

About Transformation Coach Brad Linder

Hey! My name is Brad Linder. I have been a Transformation Coach since 1999 and would like to invite you to our Free 7-Day Kick Start. My passion is helping people become the best versions of themselves.

I’ve been featured as “one of the Top Personal Trainer Companies in Texas” by the Doctor’s TV Show, featured on CNN and I’m also a best selling author.

For 21+ years, I have been able to help thousands of clients look, feel and perform better. Don’t believe me? Head over to our YouTube channel where you can watch over have over 700 video testimonies proving that our programs work. Below is a picture of my wife and I with P-90 X founder Tony Horton.

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