Get You In Shape Nutrition 101

We designed the Nutrition 101 program as a simple way to show our clients what we have found to be the 3 KEYS TO ACHIEVING AND MAXIMIZING YOUR RESULTS.

1. Nutrition – We will go over our nutrition program. What, When and how to eat. We also point out all the tools we have and how our clients can access them.

2. Double your results by using a journal – We go in detail about WHY this works and WHY it is effective for anyone looking to get results. We also go over the website that our clients have used that has been the easiest and most effective program on the market that we have found.

3. Ensuring your Body is getting what it needs. We will go over the importance of supplements and how it plays a role in how a client may feel, perform, and look on a daily basics. We will go over our 24 Day Challenge and why it’s has been proven to be a great program to kick start, break a plateau, or to just improve in wellness with our clients.

We have a group Get You In Shape 101 every 4-6 weeks and all Get You In Shape clients are welcome (and encouraged) to come. Contact us to see when our next one is and RSVP so we can be prepared.