Coppell Trainer Tip: Health and Fitness Goals for 2014

Coppell Trainer Tip: Health and Fitness Goals for 2014 1. What are your health and fitness goals? 2. Why are those goals important to you? Have you written this down? We want to help you achieve whatever your goals are and also help keep you accountable to those goals. Email brad @ Get You In […]

Coppell Trainer Tip: Health and Fitness Goals for 2014

Coppell Trainer Tip: Health and Fitness Goals for 2014

1. What are your health and fitness goals?
2. Why are those goals important to you?

Have you written this down? We want to help you achieve whatever your goals are and also help keep you accountable to those goals.
Email brad @ Get You In the answers so our Get You In Shape team can help you throughout the process. We will be contacting you at some point if we don’t have your health and fitness goals so please take some time to think about what you want (your goals) and why you want it (your motivation behind achieving your goals)

You can also share your goals with the GYIS family on our  Secret facebook group here – put down your goals on the goal thread.

Habakkuk 2:2-3  And the Lord answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.

Here are five reasons you should commit your goals to writing:
1. Because it will force you to pin point exactly what you want.
2. Because it will motivate you to take action.
3. Because it will help your confidence in all areas of your life.
4. Because it will help you stay with it when you don’t want to. Every meaningful intention, dream, or goal encounters resistance. From the moment you set a goal, you will begin to feel it. But if you focus on the resistance, it will only get stronger. The only way I have found for overcoming it, is to focus on the goal—the thing I want.
5. Because it will enable you to see—and celebrate—your progress. Life is hard. It is particularly difficult when you aren’t seeing progress. You feel like you are working yourself to death, going nowhere. But written goals are like mile-markers on a highway. They enable you to see how far you have come and how far you need to go. They also provide an opportunity for celebration when you attain them.

Goals setting 101 – This is your first step in getting started toward your 2014 goals.

1. What is your short term health and fitness goal(s) for 2014. This should be concrete like “I will lose 15 pounds by April 1st (90 days)!” or I will break the 9 minute mark by March 1st in the Mile Run.
2. What are some things you know you must do in order to achieve your short term goals?
3. What are some long term 3, 6, 12 month goals you have? These can be general and do not have to have certain dates or be too specific (but can).

What are your goals?
I know we go over this in the consultation/New Member Orientation but do you revisit them often?
If so, have they changed? What your goals are and why you want to achieve them is Step #1 in Get You In Shape’s 5 Steps to Transformation.

I got this SMART acronym and thought this was a great tip to share.

Goal Setting 101
1. Specific – Details are important in your goal setting. Get specific in your goals. You need a specific goal in order for you to do the things necessary in order for you to achieve the goal(s). I want to lost 50 pounds by October 31, 2014. I want to workout at least 5 days a week and get into a healthy habit of working out.

2. Measurable – You need to have a way to gauge your progress.You have to have something to measure. Setting a goal to lose weight but not not weighing yourself every 2-4 weeks is not going to help you see if you are losing weight. If you have a goal to get healthy and lower your prescription pills you need to get your blood work checked so the Dr. can lower your dose(s) or take you off your pills. Your goals needs to be measured.

3. Attainable- Keep it within the realm of possibility.If you have a goal to lose 50 pounds it must be done in a realistic time period. For healthy weight loss, we have found that 1 to 1.5 pounds per week is a very realistic goal. That would be about 5 pounds per month giving you 10 months to get off the 50 pounds. If it is about getting healthy and in a habit of working out more, you have got to set some realistic goals that you can achieve then work up from there. If you go from not working out to working out 6 days a week, it is going to be tough to continue to do that in your lifestyle. Start with going from not working out to 3-4 times a week for a month or two. Then you can progress based on your goals and how you are doing.

4. Relevant – You need to make sure that the goals you set are relevant to you. Don’t try to live the dream of someone else. When you are reviewing your goals keep this in mind. Make your goals own goals — make them relevant! I like to also say that this is your SO THAT. I want to lose 20 pounds SO THAT I feel better about how I look. Because I will feel better about myself I will also be more positive throughout the day and be a better spouse/parent.

5. Time Bound – You need to have time limits for your goal (s). Examples include:
1. “I will average three workouts per week my first month, four workouts per week my 2nd month and five workouts per week my 3rd month to help me develop my habit of consistently exercising and working out.”
2. “My goal is to lose 50 pounds in 10 months time. I will do this by losing 8 pounds my first month and averaging 4-5 pounds lost per month each month after that.”
Having a time bound by the goal helps you plan, stay motivated, and stick to it.

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