We are very excited about about the results from our 2nd Total Transformation Contest.
We have been running our proven Nutrition System for a long time now and knew having a 10 week contest would help make more lasting changes to their lifestyle.
What was the Total Transformation Contest? This was a 10 week Contest that was open to any and all folks on Brad and Cynthia’s nutrition team. In a nutshell it was everything we give with our normal 24-Day Challenge but each person kept taking the suggested nutritional products and as a minimum to help with results.It It was all structured around taking the nutritional products. Each person received a Nutrition Guide Book, a healthy recipe book, an email follow up system, a private tools page, all-access coaching and accountability, Nutritional Supplements and A Chance To Win One of Five Awesome Prizes.
This was also part of a National Contest with over 250 participants from all across the country. Participants not only got motivated by local fitness professionals but from some of the top fitness professionals in the nation along with a private facebook page that helped keep everyone encouraged and accountable everyday.
How did we pick the winners? The results were calculated and based on who made the most substantial changes based off that criteria and the top five were selected.
The Top 5 Got The Chance To Win One of Five Awesome Prizes
Liz Cole
Lost 23.2 Pounds, 25 inches and 12% body weight in just 10 Weeks
1 Name, what you do, and where do you live?
My name is Elisabeth Cole. I am a mother of 4 boys and a preschool teacher living in Coppell, Texas
2 Why did you decide to join the Total Transformation Contest?
I joined the contest because several other friends were doing it and asked me to join them. I sounded like a great way to jump start weight loss.
3 What was your life like before joining the Total Transformation Contest?
Before joining the contest I was trying to get through my days feeling tired and overwhelmed. I felt like I needed to nap after work, before beginning the afternoon activities with my own boys. I was drinking at least a pot of coffee a day and still struggling to remain alert in the late afternoon. The increase in my weight was making me very uncomfortable as well.
4 What was your first impression from the Total Transformation Contest program?
My first impression was that it was a well organized program that could get me moving in the right direction. As I looked into it further I was very impressed by all the tools available including the webinars and the online community.
5. What have been some of the tools that are a part of the Total Transformation Contest that you have used that have benefited you?
I have been consistently taking the products in the 24 Day Challenge Bundle. I have continued to use the meal replacement shakes, spark and catalyst in addition to the MNS E vitamins. I have found the information posted on the facebook site to be helpful and it has motivated me to keep going. Though not required by the program – I have found logging my food to be extremely helpful in remaining on task.
6. How is the Total Transformation Contest program different from other programs you have tried before? Or What makes the Total Transformation Contest different or unique?
The Contest has provided a step by step nutritional system to follow. I could refer to the 24 day challenge book to quickly get ideas for snacks and meals. The book gives clear directions on what vitamins to take, the timing of them and suggested foods, taking away all the guesswork. It made me really focus on what I was eating and when. It also reminded me of the importance of making time for exercise.
7. What results and benefits have you experienced in the Total Transformation Contest?
I have seen many results from my participation in the contest. First I have lost weight! 23.2 lbs total, 12.4 lbs in the first 4 weeks and an additional 10.8 in the remaining 6 weeks. More importantly – I feel better. I have more energy and do not need to take a nap after work. I can drive my boys to their afternoon activities without struggling to remain awake. I have also stopped drinking massive quantities of coffee. I find that spark gives me all the added energy I need and keeps me alert. I am sleeping better at night as well, not waking multiple times and trying to go back to sleep. Finally, at the start of the contest I struggled to finish 1 mile jogging in under 11 minutes. Now I can consistently jog 3-4 miles at a 10 minute pace. I have a renewed desire to be physically fit and active!
8. What would you say to anyone looking at joining or trying the Total Transformation Contest?
I would suggest that they go for it and fully commit themselves. Follow the system provided and focus on what you can do and can eat versus things that you cannot do/eat. I would also suggest that they make short term goals, along with the long term goals. As you achieve the short term goals it will motivate you to keep going.
Tara Sappington
Lost 19 Pounds, 18 inches and 8.70% body weight in 10 weeks
1 Name, what you do, and where do you live?
Tara Sappington- Coppell
2 Why did you decide to join the Total Transformation Contest?
I had seen so many Get You In Shape clients around me DROP WEIGHT, FEEL BETTER and HAVE ALOT MORE ENERGY! I wanted to push myself and get these same results!
3 What was your life like before joining the Total Transformation Contest?
I had already been doing the Get You In Shape Fitness Boot Camp and had completed several of the Get You In Shape Challenges: Biggest Winner and the 12 Days of Christmas Challenge. I was on my way to more fit, but THIS WAS AN AMAZING!!
4 What was your first impression from the Total Transformation Contest program?
I loved all of the SUPPORT, felt Energy with the nutritional products, Loved all the FaceBook TTC Group persons dealing with same issues all sharing tips, I loved the Leads doing Posts, Questions and Answers to what we were all facing, I was already using myfitnesspal from the Biggest Winner- LOVE THE AWARENESS it brought to me! I was literally EATING FOR 2 healthy persons and thought I was doing great/ eating healthy!? NOT LOW ENOUGH CALORIES to drop weight though!
5 What have been some of the tools that are a part of the Total Transformation Contest that you have used that have benefited you?
Love Myfitnesspal and continue to keep in touch with ideas, recipes and motivations on Get You In Shape Facebook VIP (private group page) and even created a Women’s Health FB Group for ANY WOMEN WISHES TO JOURNEY TO A HEALTHIER FIT LIFE called ” Motivate and Transform Us”!!!!
6. How is the Total Transformation Contest program different from other programs you have tried before? Or What makes the Total Transformation Contest different or unique?
I felt that what all I got out of this Amazing Experience was LIFE CHANGING AND WORTH ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY!!! I felt TTC worked on me- Mentally, Physically and Spiritually- To become a person in better health!
7 What results and benefits have you experienced in the Total Transformation Contest?
FROM TTC- I lost almost 20 Lbs/ Lost 18.8 Inches –
From Get You In Shape and other Challenges since August- I have dropped a Combined amount of 34 LBS! I am currently doing the “100 Mile Challenge” and plan to do every Challenge created in order to drop the remaining 25- 28 lbs to be at Goal weight!! I AM SO EXCITED AND NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD SEE THESE NUMBERS AGAIN ON THE SCALE!!
8 What would you say to anyone looking at joining or trying the Total Transformation Contest?
I would recommend to any interested in DROPPING POUNDS and CHANGING THEIR EATING HABITS to not only participate in Get You In Shape Fitness Boot Camp, but to enter TTC for a 10 week “For a Wake up call to a Healthy lifestyle so you can GET WEIGHT OFF to become FIT not just FIRM!”
Ellie Halpin
Lost 15.6 Pounds, 15.5inches and 8.73% body weight in 10 weeks
1 Name, what you do, and where do you live?
My name is Ellie Halpin and I am an Academic Language Therapist in private practice, living in Coppell, Texas.
2 Why did you decide to join the Total Transformation Contest?
I decided to join the Total Transformation Contest because I had just had enough of the yo-yo diet cycle. AND, one week before the contest began I found out that I was pre-diabetic and on my way to diabetes if I didn’t do something. And, my cholesterol was too high, my thyroid was messed up and I didn’t feel good physically or emotionally. I needed something to get my “butt” in gear, so I thought, why not?
3 What was your life like before joining the Total Transformation Contest?
First off, I have been a Get You in Shape Boot Camper for 3 ½ years. Along the way, I saw myself get stronger, but not leaner because I didn’t make the consistent nutrition changes that were needed. Six months before the contest, I incurred a neck and back injury and was told that I should not participate in boot camp again. I was devastated to say the least. I completely stopped exercising other than leisurely walking and had almost convinced myself that this was “it”. This would be the extent of my exercising forever. I was also eating through my emotions and that just became a vicious cycle. I was completely miserable. So, I decided to return and incorporate plenty of stretching into my schedule so that I could maintain an active lifestyle for the long term. I told myself to do only what I can do and not try to be a crazy superstar on the first day. I started back to GYIS in November 2013 but didn’t change my eating. I just got bigger and more frustrated with myself. I would say the biggest turning point was when my doctor told me on January 8th that I was headed towards disease if I didn’t’ do something RIGHT NOW. It scared me. So, I knew I had to give the Total Transformation Contest a try.
4 What was your first impression from the Total Transformation Contest program?
Initially, I expected it to be like the other 24-Day Program through the recommended products. I would stick to it for 24 days and then, I would probably return to my old ways. Disappointing myself once again. But….something happened during that first 24 days that had never happened before. I felt hope inside. I was beginning to “get it”. I actually really liked the food and the way that it made me feel. The support from Brad, Julie and my other trainers at GYIS was incredible, checking in with me frequently. By February, I knew it was different this time. I might actually do this!
5 What have been some of the tools that are a part of the Total Transformation Contest that you have used that have benefited you?
6. How is the Total Transformation Contest program different from other programs you have tried before? Or What makes the Total Transformation Contest different or unique?
The tools have been key and I have taken advantage of everything possible. I think that is what has made the difference for me this time. I took the suggested nutritional products – Nutritional Supplements – MSN supplements, catalyst, spark and nighttime recovery, meal replacement shakes and an occasional snack bar. These have been key to feeling good and managing my hunger levels and energy. I listened to the webinars and they educated me and made me feel “normal”. The trainers really understood the way I was feeling and guided me down the right road. My Fitness Pal was a huge tool for me. It opened my eyes up to not only calories, but also the nutritional value of each food. In order for me to make positive changes in my health, I vowed to log everything that I put in my mouth and I did!! No cheating because I would only be cheating myself. The Face Book TTC page was one of my highlights too!! Everyday I loved seeing the pictures and posts from my new friends around the country. I feel as if we have been on this journey together even though we have never met. Everyone is a winner and I truly mean that! I have gained new friends here in Coppell that I hold in my heart. And, Julie, one of our killer personal trainers, really helped me tweak my nutrition and fitness to get my metabolism working correctly. It was scary to add 300 calories per day to my food intake near the end of this contest, but it was exactly what was needed for me to break a 3 week plateau. I listened to her and did what she advised. I feel as if I finally have the formula that works for me. Its not a magic bullet as I have deceived myself so many times before, but it is something that is attainable with consistency. No other program that I know of gives this much attention and service to all of the people on this journey. You know, I think we all started out somewhat “broken” and through the tools that have been put in place; we supported each other to heal some of our wounds. I noticed that within the last 4 weeks, the group took on a life of its own without the dependence of our trainers to get us talking and communicating. That is completely different than any other program. I am really going to miss this group and can’t wait to hear everyone’s story and see fabulous pictures of success!
7 What results and benefits have you experienced in the Total Transformation Contest?
I am different. I have learned that there truly isn’t a magic pill that you can take to lose weight. I have learned, more than anything, that consistency in my nutrition and exercise will bring results. It may not happen in my time, but God’s time. And, I am learning patience with myself. I have learned to forgive myself for falling off track, because all I have to do is make the right choices at my next meal and start moving!! I sleep amazing now and I have so much energy throughout the entire day. I am no longer dozing off at 4pm. At the beginning of January I was not able to run a mile. By the end of February, I ran a 5K without stopping. I never thought I would be able to do that again. I have lost 15.6 pounds and 17 inches!!! I lost 4 pounds on the 24-day challenge and 11.6 more since then. And, I know that I am stronger, both physically and mentally.
8 What would you say to anyone looking at joining or trying the Total Transformation Contest?
If you want to get Fit, feel better physically and emotionally, the TTC is the program for you. Don’t question it, just do it. Follow the Program.
Candy York
Candy Lost 21.2 Pounds, 20.5 inches and 7.97% body weight in 10 weeks
1 Name, what you do, and where do you live? Candy York. I’m a Food Scientist and Director of Product Development for a small prepared food company. I live in Coppell TX.
2 Why did you decide to join the Total Transformation Contest? I had joined the GYIS Boot Camp program in October and was already experiencing great results with the exercise and by using My Fitness Pal to log my food. I was curious to see if I could enhance the experience as well as join the competition to stay focused moving into the New Year.
3 What was your life like before joining the Total Transformation Contest? Immediately before the contest, I had already made major changes in my wellness routine by journaling my food intake and committing to incorporating exercise into my daily routine. It was not a huge change from what I had already been doing.
4 What was your first impression from the Total Transformation Contest program? The first impression was the “hassle” of all the supplements and times to take them. Incorporating the supplements into the schedule of my current prescribed medications was a challenge. Once the routine was established, the schedule became easier.
5 What have been some of the tools that are a part of the Total Transformation Contest that you have used that have benefited you? I heavily accessed the community of consultants/ trainers during the initial cleanse. I did have a few difficulties with the supplements and my prescribed medications. The Facebook community was also beneficial for the camaraderie and encouraging support. I also accessed a few of the weekly video presentations.
6. How is the Total Transformation Contest program different from other programs you have tried before? Or What makes the Total Transformation Contest different or unique? For the most part, TTC is not that different from many of the other “programs” I’ve tried for weight loss and wellness in the past. The biggest difference was the involvement of the TTC group. For me, losing weight is not the difficult part, keeping it off and really making a change is my past failure.
7 What results and benefits have you experienced in the Total Transformation Contest?
The first 2 weeks, I lost 7 lbs followed by 12 lbs the next 4 weeks and finally 9 lbs the last 4 weeks. A total of 21.2 lbs in just 10 weeks. Also lost a total of 16.8 inches and have been shopping my closet for clothes I didn’t fit into at the beginning of the contest. While in the cleanse phase, I experienced some side effects in conjunction with my chronic health condition. It eventually resolved itself. One of the positive side effects came from the probiotics in the supplement package. I noticed less gas even with the increased fiber consumption.
8 What would you say to anyone looking at joining or trying the Total Transformation Contest? My advice would be to work with your primary health provider when starting the products from the TTC if you have chronic health conditions. Also, one would want to be sure to have the time to commit to the process. There is a “routine” that has to be established to be successful. I had a family emergency that took me out of town for a week during the last month of the contest and it was really difficult to concentrate when removed from my “comfortable habit” back home. I still lost, but not as much as I did the prior 4 weeks.
Phillip Manning
Lost 23 Pounds, 28 inches and 7.72% body weight
1 Name, what you do, and where do you live?
Phillip Manning. I work in IT at GM Financial. I live in Coppell, TX.
2 Why did you decide to join the Total Transformation Contest?
– I needed some more help losing weight and getting in better shape.
3 What was your life like before joining the Total Transformation Contest?
– I had been keeping track of the food I was eating and getting occasional exercise. That’s pretty normal, I guess. I knew I needed to do more to lose weight, but wasn’t very motivated to work harder at it.
4 What was your first impression from the Total Transformation Contest program?
– I have been using products for a while now and had done the cleanse as well. This contest meant that I would have to be much more focused on what I was doing. There was also the motivation that this contest would involve people all over the country, not just my local community.
5 What have been some of the tools that are a part of the Total Transformation Contest that you have used that have benefited you?
– Keeping up with the Facebook page has been helpful and motivating. I’ve liked reading posts by others and have tried to offer encouragement to other participants.
6. How is the Total Transformation Contest program different from other programs you have tried before? Or What makes the Total Transformation Contest different or unique?
– There’s more emphasis on being a well rounded program. There are supplements for health and nutrition, food guides and recommendations, and exercise programs. All 3 are integral to an individuals success.
7 What results and benefits have you experienced in the Total Transformation Contest?
– Over the past year, I’ve lost a total of 60 pounds, but the amazing thing is that I’ve lost 23 pounds during the contest. I’ve also dropped one shirt size, am wearing a smaller size in pants and have had to tighten by belt, twice!
– I feel more energetic and happy!
8 What would you say to anyone looking at joining or trying the Total Transformation Contest?
– I would strongly recommend that they do it. I like the nutritional products and support them. I also can attest to the overall effectiveness of the entire program. Just look at me!